Alun Davies sets out his thoughts on the process for forging agreement on local government reform.
Is a Welsh vacant land tax a half-measure?
Peter Black weighs up the implications of the Welsh Government’s proposed vacant land tax
The big picture on Welsh electoral reform
Jess Blair examines the impact of reform to both local elections and the Assembly.
Devolution 2.0
John Winterson Richards proposes an alternative model of national Governance for Wales
Driving forward off-site manufacturing
Sarah Scotcher argues a clear direction needs to be established before Off-site manufacturing can offer a solution to delivering affordable homes
What does it cost to educate a child in Wales – Episode 2
Martin Price argues the current Welsh Government funding formula for schools is inequitable.
Grappling with a failing Economy
Chris Johnes considers a recent Wales Centre for Public Policy report on inclusive growth and the welsh economy
Disposable coffee cups need more than disposable thinking
Andy Green reflects on a real life experiment and what it means for a possible latte levy
Automation will bring big opportunities, but we need to act now
Andrew Carter argues that automation will bring big opportunities to Welsh cities, but we need to act now to prepare people for the changes ahead.