Jess Blair reflects on the results of Wales’ largest ever in-depth survey on how people feel about politics in Wales.
Book review: Rhodri
Mike Hedges reviews Rhodri Morgan’s autobiography
Independence Debate
Dr John Ball analyses the main economic issues associated with an independent Wales.
What can be further done to improve the Universal Credit policy?
Hayley Macnamara explains that recently announced changes to Universal Credit policy aren’t enough
A Rural Voice across Europe
Jessica Morgan and Liz Bickerton argue Wales needs a stronger rural voice
The stirring of libertarianism in Wales
Nicolas Webb analyses emerging forces in Welsh politics.
The Welsh economy needs radical solutions
Rhea Stevens reviews a recent debate on the Welsh Economy and the ideas pitched as potential solutions.
#16Days: Leave no one behind, end violence against women and girls
Alice Moore calls for secure and sustainable funding for specialist violence against women services.
Carl Sargeant: what process?
Jon Owen Jones calls for a process independent of political parties to investigate accusations of sexual harassment