Merlin Gable analyses the upcoming electoral reform in local government and why it may mark a turning point for Welsh democracy.
Economic regeneration podcast
Auriol Miller talks to Chris Johnes and Sarah Lloyd-Jones about models of local economic regeneration, promising examples and next steps
Building a New Economy – from rhetoric to reality
Chris Johnes and Neil McInroy set out the rationale for a conference held today exploring different way of running local economies
Eliminating fuel poverty: a first step towards halving the energy consumed in Welsh homes
Chris Jofeh sets out priorities for large-scale residential energy efficiency improvements in Wales
Devo Max
Mike Hedges argues for a long term devolution settlement for Wales
Lessons from Croatian gastronomy: a trigger for rural economic development
Is the approach taken to tourism in Istria, Croatia, a model to follow for Wales? Terry Stevens offers his reflections
The political chameleon
Daran Hill reviews Martin Shipton’s new biography of George Thomas
Land of the pulled punch? A response to the CBI
Steve Brooks responds to CBI Wales recent criticism of the Well-being of Future Generations Act and the Future Generations Commissioner
Digital Government?
Valerie Livingston urges the Welsh Government to look outwards when thinking about the potential of digital.