Laura Dunn reflects on the recommendations of the National Assembly for Wales’ digital taskforce, and adds a few of her own
Click on the inside
Rhea Stevens reflects on 4 months of editing Click on Wales’ content
Taith Ynni Padarn Peris / The Ynni Padarn Peris journey
Dr Paula Roberts yn disgrifio ei phrofiad o gefnogi ynni cymunedol / Dr Paula Roberts describes her journey towards championing community energy.
Where are we going?
Gerald Holtham explores the practical implications of Brexit
Mobilising Wales
Jamie Insole argues for a national campaign to address a crisis in democratic engagement in Wales
Ynni Cymunedol – Beth am ei gynnwys yn ein cwricwlwm newydd?! / Community Energy – Let’s get it on our new curriculum!
Mae Sioned Haf yn dadlau dylid dysgu am werth ynni cymunedol mewn ysgolion yng Nghymru / Sioned Haf argues that the value of community energy should be taught in schools in Wales .
Earn whilst you learn
Conor Holohan argues that apprenticeship training is the best way to plug our growing skills gap
Clymau ddoe: effaith polisїau Lloegr a heriau allweddol eraill sy’n wynebu prifysgolion Cymru / For Wales see England, and other key challenges facing Welsh universities
Phil Boshier yn trafod y berthynas rhwng polisïau Addysg Uwch Cymru a Lloegr, a’r heriau sydd ar y gorwel / Phil Boshier sets out the interdependency of Welsh and English Higher Education policy, and reflects on the challenges ahead.
Electrification to Swansea…or not!
Mark Barry reacts to the news that the the line between Cardiff and Swansea will not be electrified, and offers another solution