John Osmond is persuaded that we need a new approach to community development in the most impoverished parts of Wales
Federalism Could Keep Devolution Simple
John Osmond listens to a history lesson from Wales’s leading lawyer
Unexploded Bomb Under Devolution
John Osmond on how he caught up with the potentially biggest devolution story since 1999
News Contest For ITV Wales
Geraint Talfan Davies says there may be more than meets the eye in the bids to supply news of Wales to the ITV1 channel
Citizen Journalism
Heulyn Davies reports on a IWA debate about the increasing impact of the Welsh blogosphere
NHS Wales Performance on the Line
Marcus Longley argues for a constructive response to a new report criticising Welsh health service productivity.
Scottish Sovereignty
Canon Kenyon Wright examines how the principle of popular sovereignty asserted by the Scottish Constitutional Convention can be realised in today’s Scotland.
The Referendum Debate
John Osmond discovers a device to halt the forward march of Welsh aspirations hidden away in a recent speech by Justice Secretary Jack Straw
Is Devolution Good for Health?
Jeremy Felvus observes that devolution has brought significant divergence of policies as the devolved administrations have sought their own distinctive solutions.