Mencap Cymru’s oral history project captures the importance of connections and relationships for people with a learning disability – and outlines where things are failing.

Opinion pieces to open up conversation; a platform for diverse voices from Wales and beyond.
Mencap Cymru’s oral history project captures the importance of connections and relationships for people with a learning disability – and outlines where things are failing.
In the second part of their article about resilience and the arts, Sadia Pineda Hameed and Beau W Beakhouse suggest ways the industry can move forward.
In the first of a two part article, Sadia Pineda Hameed and Beau W Beakhouse outline the problem with the arts in Wales.
Our current election practices do not allow everyone a confidential vote, writes Nathan Owen.
An overwhelming majority of 16-to-17-year-olds want to make themselves heard this May, but our education and political system is letting them down, argues Alex Myles.
On the world’s first International Asexuality Day, Hannah Watkin explores asexuality and why it is important to increase awareness of the sexual orientation.
Rhun Dafydd argues that militarism’s foothold in Wales means we have a long way to go before we can consider ourselves a peaceful nation.
Shirish Kulkarni analyses the media in Wales and outlines why more funding of the same media is not the answer.
Hannah Watkin, winner of the IWA’s New Voices competition, explores her sense of identity against the backdrop of shifting political and cultural landscapes in Wales.