Cultivating meat in laboratories is the future of agriculture and Wales should be at the forefront of this innovation, writes Dan Ward.

Opinion pieces to open up conversation; a platform for diverse voices from Wales and beyond.
Cultivating meat in laboratories is the future of agriculture and Wales should be at the forefront of this innovation, writes Dan Ward.
Criminal landlords and lettings agents are not being held accountable because of a failure to enforce the law, argues Nicki Kindersley.
Wales’ lack of journalistic resource is structural injustice, writes Dylan Moore
Angie Contestabile argues that cost-cutting and centralising in the Welsh third sector severely risks the health of a vital part of our society.
Dr Jack Watkins writes that reliance on Foreign Direct Investment must be replaced with development of an economy rooted at the local level.
Europe Must Act argue the case for a more compassionate and humane European migration policy.
The institution’s code of conduct could be updated to include a new principle promoting anti-discriminatory attitudes and behaviours, argues Dr Arun Midha.
Claudia Allen and Siôn Sleep argue that Wales can lead the shift to sustainable agriculture while recognising its proud heritage.
As a new term begins, teacher Louise Muteham reflects on how we keep Wales’ school pupils safe and learning