Ahead of an international conference in Cardiff tomorrow, Chris Lewis explores what is meant by Wales’ soft power
Ahead of an international conference in Cardiff tomorrow, Chris Lewis explores what is meant by Wales’ soft power
Owen Davies explores whether the ‘Agent of Change’ principle could boost the night time economy
Joao Morais reviews Peter Lord’s ‘The Tradition’, an illustrative portrayal of Welsh art and history
Jo Mazelis reviews ‘In a Dream You Saw a Way to Survive and Were Full of Joy’, curated by Elizabeth Price at Swansea’s Glynn Vivian Gallery
Amy Genders outlines the need for greater representation of Welsh arts and culture on the BBC
Geraint Talfan Davies says the coming months are crucial for the arts in Wales.
Malcolm Ballin calls for more recognition for the role of English language periodicals in Wales.
Rhodri Talfan Davies says the creative industries in Wales have to work harder to disprove perceptions that they’re a ‘closed shop’
Julian Ruck says the concentration of arts funding in Wales limits creativity.