Dr Elain Price takes a closer look at the history of S4C’s ties with the BBC, and the broadcasters’ current relationship.

Dr Elain Price takes a closer look at the history of S4C’s ties with the BBC, and the broadcasters’ current relationship.
Hywel Wiliam outlines the situation facing TV broadcasting in Wales
Kenneth Roy criticises James Naughtie’s foreign assignment north of the border
Derek Jones continues his appreciation of BBC 1 Wales’ history series which concludes tomorrow
As the latest examination of Welsh history continues on BBC 1 Wales tonight, Angela Graham reflects on the interpreters
Martin Johnes reflects on how some flame-bearers of the Welsh past can burn our fingers
Derek Jones applauds with some reservations the new national television history that began this week
Geraint Talfan Davies reflects on our national day and how we might have ended up with another saint
John Osmond reports on yesterday’s launch of a new ‘once in a generation’ television history of Wales