Hannah Sheppard celebrates as young people in Cardiff take action, lift their aspirations, and stand shoulder to shoulder with their friends in need in Somaliland
Mobilising the potential of the Great Western Force
Can the Great West emulate the success of the Northern Powerhouse and Midlands Engine? Professor Gill Bristow of Cardiff University considers the opportunity for the region to deliver on the UK Government’s place-based Industrial Strategy
Building Welsh innovation networks that work for all
The UK’s exit from the EU has the potential to transform the entire context of innovation policy, changing the nature of existing relationships and opening up new opportunities. In this shifting landscape, how can Wales build the networks necessary for innovation to thrive? Dr Adrian Healy offers some thoughts
Building a “silicon cwm” in Swansea Bay City Region
Mike Hedges on the opportunities ahead for Swansea Bay City Region to carve its own ICT niche
A City Deal for the Cardiff Capital Region
Andrew Morgan says today’s City Deal signing marks a significant step for south east Wales.
Living on the edge
Mathew Talfan looks at the opportunities and challenges facing Cardiff.
A better city deal for future generations
Sophie Howe says that the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal must focus on a low carbon economy.
Culture and the city region
Geraint Talfan Davies offers his thoughts on how the Cardiff Capital Region could develop a cultural strategy to more effectively link the region with those that live within it.
Aligning services with the Swansea City Region
Mike Hedges says that some public services should be remapped in south west Wales as part of the Swansea Bay City Region.