Peter Daniels reflects on the tournament and the question of which team to support

Peter Daniels reflects on the tournament and the question of which team to support
Martin Price argues the current Welsh Government funding formula for schools is inequitable.
Lee Waters says if Swansea has serious ambitions to rank alongside Cardiff it needs to look towards Bristol where the elected Mayor (pictured) has brought a focus to the city.
Dafydd Glyn Jones warns against the perils of linguistic re-invention
Harold Carter and John Aitchison find there are now more Welsh speakers in Cardiff than Ceredigion
Heledd Fychan says that unless decisive action is taken, the language will die as a community language
Chelsea Fraley says the most important factor in the survival of the language is whether people are willing to speak it
Dafydd Wigley says we need a new deal to tackle Wales poor economic performance
Steve Morris reports on research into creating new spaces for the language in anglicised areas of Wales