Wyn Hobson looks back on the 2007 coalition negotiations and suggests some principles for expediting the process following 5 May

Wyn Hobson looks back on the 2007 coalition negotiations and suggests some principles for expediting the process following 5 May
John Osmond warns that the abolition of primary care trusts will lead to the privatisation of the English NHS
Mike German says we should look to private sources for capital spending
Kirsty Williams says 2010 was a year when the Liberal Democrats brought stability to government
Peter Black argues that the budget takes economic recovery for granted
Gwion Malik argues that the Coalition government’s aim is to dismantle the welfare state rather than tackle the deficit
The Coalition might agree in principle over the Freedom Bill but they can’t produce an overall constitutional strategy. Anthony Barnett says the Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties are fundamentally at loggerheads over the destination of democratic reform
Gwion Malik says the Government’s approach to reform is making it more difficult to secure a consensus on change
Stuart Weir says next year’s AV referendum is an ugly and undemocratic manoeuvre