There is a very real possibility that any campaign against the cuts in Scotland will be undermined by a divided civic sector. New leadership is needed, argues Isobel Lindsay
We need a new economic model
Gwion Iqbal Malik says Welsh Labour needs to embrace a radical agenda to inspire its supporters
Falling out over money
Editorial in the Summer 2010 issue of Agenda predicts some ‘family rows’ between the UK nations
Parties take their partners for a Welsh quadrille
Rhys David reports on an IWA conference on the issues and dilemmas arising from Wales’s four main parties having a share in governing the country
Making the ‘red water’ really clear
By John Osmond
Cohabitation between the Taff and the Thames conference, IWA and Wales Governance Centre, 9 July 2010
A Coalition of cuts
Huw Iranca Davies says the Budget decisions threaten to send the Welsh economy into intensive care
Cohabition Between the Taff and Thames
Setting the scene for a major IWA conference on the future of coalition politics in Cardiff on 9 July
Good-bye Pomland, hurry-up (little) England
Tom Nairn says we are living through a most peculiar constitutional revolution
Beware inflatable white elephants
Ceri John learns what makes a successful referendum campaign