John Osmond looks at the life of a Welsh Conservative pragmatist, anti-devolution but responsible for Cabinet government in Cardiff Bay

John Osmond looks at the life of a Welsh Conservative pragmatist, anti-devolution but responsible for Cabinet government in Cardiff Bay
Robert Jones says the debate over the Wrexham ‘super’ prison has been hijacked by promises of jobs and economic opportunities
Walter Humes examines scenarios following a Yes or No narrow majority in the independence referendum
John Osmond reports on advice given to the Welsh Government to make contingency plans for any outcome of the Scottish independence vote
Jon Owen Jones comments on how immigration is being dealt with by the UK parties in the run-up to the general election
Eurfyl ap Gwilym assesses George Osborne’s record ahead of today’s Autumn Statement
Angela Burns describes a new initiative, launched today, to garner views on childcare policy
Scottish commentator Iain Mcwhirter reflects on First Minister Carwyn Jones’s intervention in the referendum debate this week
Andrew R.T. Davies argues for reforming procedures in the Senedd to improve accountability