David Roberts says tax powers present Wales with an unprecedented opportunity for Wales to find innovative ways to thrive

David Roberts says tax powers present Wales with an unprecedented opportunity for Wales to find innovative ways to thrive
Jess Blair and Lee Waters argue that the full response to the Silk Commission by the UK Government is a double edge sword.
Josh Miles argues that the failure of the UK Government to devolve business rates in their Silk announcement is critical.
Lee Waters argues that the chances of having another Yes campaign for a referendum on income tax devolution are slim.
Owen Smith says to accept income tax powers without re-examining the Barnett formula would lock in under-funding
Peter Jones says the granting of tax powers to Wales could alter the course of the Scottish referendum
John Winterson Richards says Cameron’s response to Silk means he can no longer be bothered to defend the UK as a unitary state
Alan Trench says it’s easier to make sense of the politics of Whitehall’s take on the Silk tax recommendations than the economics
John Winterson Richards argues that any move towards greater autonomy for Wales will require policies to promote the private sector