Geraint Talfan Davies challenges some of the assumptions about the impact of a Prime Minster whose funeral is today

Geraint Talfan Davies challenges some of the assumptions about the impact of a Prime Minster whose funeral is today
Joyce McMillan says Margaret Thatcher delivered a hammer blow to values that millions had held dear for decades
John Osmond on the Welsh legacy of a Prime Minister who did most to deliver a yes vote in 1997
Daniel Cohn-Bendit says the future of Europe rests neither in a self-defeating global market nor in a re-nationalised German EU
Eurfyl ap Gwilym says last week’s budget marks the half-way point in a lost decade for the economy
Gareth Hughes analyses the interstices of this week’s poll on the outlook for the five parties
Dylan Jones-Evans examines one aspect of the Welsh economy that offers some encouragement
David Gow queries whether David Cameron’s and Angela Merkel’s approach to the EU can be reconciled
Francesca Dickson says Cameron’s rejection of ‘an ever closer union’ could apply as much to the UK as the EU