Geraint Talfan Davies looks at the unease created by the planned link up of S4C and the BBC and the issues negotiators will face

Geraint Talfan Davies looks at the unease created by the planned link up of S4C and the BBC and the issues negotiators will face
Labour’s moral authority to attack the coalition’s economic agenda will only come after it has thrown off the Blair inheritance
Geraint Talfan Davies discovers a decline of viewers of television news about Wales
John Osmond says a ballot in South Wales Central confronts Welsh Conservatives with an existential choice
Reflecting on a week spent in Edinburgh
Stuart Weir says next year’s AV referendum is an ugly and undemocratic manoeuvre
Rhys David reports on an IWA conference on the issues and dilemmas arising from Wales’s four main parties having a share in governing the country
David Marquand asks whether in the wake of the budget there is space for two conservative parties.
Eurfyl ap Gwilym analyses the impact George Osborne’s intervention will have on Welsh spending