Lee Waters explains why the IWA plans to run its own constitutional convention for Wales.

Lee Waters explains why the IWA plans to run its own constitutional convention for Wales.
Michael Keating explains why welfare provision is at the heart of the Scottish independence debate
Steve Brooks explains how Scotland offers a new approach to citizen-led political reform.
Mark Elliott questions how long asymmetrical relationships can survive within the UK
As part of the IWA’s innovative new project to debate policy in a new way David Melding looks at the question of a separate legal jurisdiction for Wales.
David Melding says the people of Wales and Northern Ireland will face immediate existential challenges if the Scottish people vote to secede
David Melding says a Constitutional Convention should follow if there is a No vote in the Scottish referendum
John Osmond argues that sooner or later Wales will have to choose between a re-negotiated British structure or independence within the EU
Dan Hind asks whether economic protest can be united with change to the political system