Glyndwr Cennydd Jones explains why Wales cannot lag behind on ongoing discussions about the future of the UK.
The Compact to Move Wales Forward: compressed, but is it flawless?
Laura McAllister challenges a few misconceptions about ‘The Compact’ deal struck between Labour and Plaid Cymru, arguing that Wales needs the confidence to do things differently to Westminster.
What’s occurring over the border? The upcoming elections in England
Laura McAllister looks at the political climate across the border.
A New Union Mentality
Leighton Andrews makes an impassioned plea for a constitutional convention
Standards need to be met on a Welsh ‘reserved powers’ model
Dame Rosemary Butler says a reserved powers model for Wales will have to meet criteria to ensure it endures.
Success has come from doing things differently
Geraint Talfan Davies says Laura McAllister’s call for less timidity in Welsh life must be heeded.
The Great Welsh Confidence Trick
Laura McAllister gives the 2015 Patrick Hannan Lecture from Hay Festival on why we in Wales should stand up and be counted.
Can we afford a fairer Wales?
Powers over welfare could offer a different policy route for Wales, but is this affordable?
Performance, not powers
Initial findings from the IWA Constitutional Convention show performance is a higher priority than powers, but energy policy could offer potential.