In the second part of their article about resilience and the arts, Sadia Pineda Hameed and Beau W Beakhouse suggest ways the industry can move forward.
Redefining Resilience: Part 1
In the first of a two part article, Sadia Pineda Hameed and Beau W Beakhouse outline the problem with the arts in Wales.
Opera in the Time of Pandemic
Merlin Gable talks to the new General Director of Welsh National Opera, Aidan Lang, and finds him excited at the potential for reexamining the role of performing arts in difficult times.
Puddle Jump: Stories for Families
Alan Humphreys describes how Valleys Kids have adapted to the pandemic and why creative opportunities for children are critical to their emotional development.
The Future of Theatre is Here
Rhiannon White writes that we cannot be constrained by our traditional understanding of theatre.
The Need for Public Service Media has Never Been Greater
Public Service Media has adapted well and shown its value during this crisis but the biggest challenges are up ahead, writes Owen Evans.
Rethinking the Arts: Covid-19 and Beyond
Covid-19 will dramatically affect the Arts which means we need to make sure that we build bridges with our communities, writes Graeme Farrow.
Human Landscapes from My Country
Before lockdown, Tom Cheesman and Filiz Celik met with Memet Ali Alabora at Volcano Theatre in Swansea, after his performance of the one-man play Meleketimden Insan Manazaralari – Human Landscapes from My Country, written by Nazim Hikmet.
What role for universities in post-Covid Wales?
Julie Lydon highlights the importance of Welsh universities in our recovery from the crisis