Philip Dixon says Schools Challenge Cymru could take us from ‘talking’ to ‘achieving’ when it comes to narrowing the gap between rich and poor children.
Schools Challenge Cymru: a progress report
Mel Ainscow says Schools Challenge Cymru must demonstrate that the Welsh approach can foster excellence and equity.
Votes for 16 year olds? Not without a political education.
Caitlin Prowle says there is virtually no element of political education on our current curriculum.
Passport to a New Country
Dylan Moore makes the case for a national reading and writing revival
The Learning Power of PISA?
Professor Alma Harris says a blind spot has emerged with a focus on PISA as a target.
But what does the Teacher think?
Ty Golding responds to Mel Ainscow on Schools Challenge Cymru.
Pathways to Success
Mel Ainscow says Schools Challenge Cymru is showing promising signs for Welsh education
Addysg Gymraeg i bawb, neu i’r bobl ffodus yn unig?
Mae Ffred Ffransis yn dweud fod addysg iath Gymraeg i rai’n mynychu ysgolion cyfrwng Saesneg yn methu.
Welsh-medium education for all, or just for the lucky ones?
Ffred Ffransis says Welsh language education for those attending English medium schools is failing.