Do we need more powers over our economy? Lee Waters invites you to help shape the design of the Crowd Sourced Constitutional Convention
Standards over structures
Rajvi Glasbrook-Griffiths reviews ‘Ministering to Education’ by Leighton Andrews.
The trouble with bilingual education: The ever increasing gap between research, policy and practice.
Mirain Rhys looks at the issues around Welsh medium education for children where Welsh isn’t spoken at home.
The blanket ban on term time holidays
Helen Weedon says teachers should be able to use their own judgement on term time leave.
A change in practice or a change in terminology?
Ruth Northway asks whether proposals to change the terminology around special educational needs will make a difference
More than a cynical name change
Mike O’Neill says that additional learning needs reform has the potential to make a positive difference in his work.
A right to education whatever your needs.
Cerys Owen explains why additional learning needs units are vital for her family.
Transparency, accountability and user engagement at the centre of new SEN reform.
Denise Inger says legislation alone isn’t enough to address the differences in additional learning needs.
A Raw Deal: The Inequality of the SEN Reforms for the Welsh People
Nathan Davies outlines why increased divergence between special education needs provision is a raw deal for Wales