Philip Dixon judges that the children of Wales are better off because of the work of the outgoing Education Minister
The role of schools in promoting Welsh citizenship
Martin Johnes explores how we can avoid the marginalisation of Welsh history in the curriculum
Wales needs to catch up with Estonia
Ian Hargreaves argues that we need to become a more open society for the economy to prosper
What I think about Wales
Ian Hargreaves, BBC Wales Patrick Hannan Memorial Lecture, 30 April 2013
Not enough Welsh-speaking teachers
Michael Haggett says two of the Welsh Government’s fundamental education commitments are doomed to failure unless urgent action is taken
Monopolistic self-interest rules Welsh education
Malcolm Prowle says the only way to improve our schools is to introduce contestability and choice
Wales stays on progressive teaching course
Anna Brychan reports on the IWA’s curriculum conference held a few weeks ago
Learning to belong in Wales
Leighton Andrews explains why he has established a group to advise him on the teaching of Welsh history