Nigel Thomas finds leading councillors and officials in Pembrokeshire defensive on child abuse allegations
It’s education stupid
Gerry Holtham says we need some new thinking on encouraging postgraduate study in Wales
Whip cracked above heads of local authority leaders
John Osmond hears Education Minister Leighton Andrews threaten a root and branch shake-up of the county councils’ role in education
Raising school standards
Leighton Andrews AM, Minister for Education and Skills, to an IWA audience at the Julian Hodge Lecture Theatre, Cardiff University, 29 June 2011
League tables should be kept for football
Philip Dixon challenges Gerry Holtham’s case for measuring school performance to drive up standards
Comfort zone drives down standards
Gerald Holtham says the Welsh Government should publish a value-added league table of school results
Combating Welsh and British ‘curses’ in education
Stevie Upton, author of the IWA’s report Making a Difference at Key Stage 3, responds to David Reynolds
Getting to grips with our school failure
David Reynolds takes a searching look at the IWA’s report on Making a Difference at Key Stage 3: Learning from Five Successful Schools
Election Special 4: Liberal Democrats fighting on Welsh issues
Jenny Randerson says the referendum result has allowed Wales to take control of its own destiny