Anna Brychan says its time for children aged 8 to 14 to have their day in the policy sunshine
How to improve education in Wales
Stevie Upton outlines the main results of a major IWA research project into school attainment in Wales at Key Stage 3
Making a difference at Key Stage 3
Stevie Upton unveils a new study on attainment by students aged 11 to 14 in Welsh schools
Social enterprise and the smart Welsh state
Kevin Morgan and Adam Price outline ways the next Welsh Government could revolutionise the delivery of key public services
Heavy lifting on International Women’s Day
Michaela Breeze argues that that sport should sit at the top of the curriculum
Education special 2: Let the teachers teach
Teifion Griffiths argues that centralised micro-management is behind the school failings highlighted in the latest PISA results
Education Special 1: Picking ourselves up off the PISA floor
David Reynolds says the Welsh Education Department needs to change
PISA results will spark transformation
John Osmond listens to a mixture of homily and humility delivered by the Welsh Government’s Permanent Secretary
Making the most of Wales’ schools crisis
John Osmond reports on Education Minister Leighton Andrews’ ambitions for raising standards in our schools