David Reynolds says the education funding gap will only be closed by cutting the number of local authorities

David Reynolds says the education funding gap will only be closed by cutting the number of local authorities
Deuparth gwaith ei ddechrau, two thirds of a job is starting it, suggests Eurfyl ap Gwilym
Leighton Andrews AM, Minister for Children, Education and Lifelong Learning
Cardiff University’s Regeneration Institute
25 May 2010
Trevor Herbert says an Open University course on Welsh history is proving a world-wide hit
Jonathan Brooks-Jones says the application for Cardiff’s Whitchurch High to become a Foundation school represents a thin end of a wedge
Jonathan Brooks-Jones listens in to Chris Corcoran’s views on education
John Milsom calls for more research on the costs of closing small schools in Wales
Meic Stephens looks at the life of a space physicist who became a principal strategist for Plaid Cymru