Yvonne Murphy says we need a vision and strategy for widespread and creative, engaging and inspiring democratic education
‘Africa Welsh News is about connecting people’
Dylan Moore talks to Olu Oni and Glenn Edwards about Africa Welsh News, a community website that seeks to foster links across nations and continents
The Future of Journalism: Permanent Crisis, or Radical Solutions
What now for journalism in Wales after the closure of The National and rising costs? David Nicholson takes a look at the challenges facing the industry.
The UK Internal Market Act 2020 and the Power to Make Effective Laws
Nicholas Kilford unpacks the potential impact of the UK Internal Market Act (UKIMA) replacing parts of EU legislation on devolved powers.
Help Young people to Understand the Impact of their Vote and they Will Use it
Rhydian Thomas argues that young people in Wales need more education and support to understand how voting can influence everyday issues that matter to them.
A Wales Ready to be Independent Should be the Aim of Everyone in Wales
Whatever its outcome, any debate on Welsh independence must be rooted in a level-headed examination of the facts, Will Hayward argues.
How Effective Was the Early Voting Pilot?
Jess Blair examines the impact of the early vote pilot rolled out during the May elections in Wales.
A New Public Square: For a Welsh Media that Serves People and Communities
Dylan Moore says we must urgently recognise the public interest nature of our Welsh media, local and national.
Time for Justice to be controlled in Wales
Rhys ab Owen argues that Welsh Government’s recent proposals for the devolution of justice in Wales fall short of the mark.