Leanne Wood sets out her vision for Plaid Cymru and communities in Wales
Why it’s time to reduce the voting age to 16
Alan Renwick sets out the case for lowering the voting age to 16 for Assembly elections
Why Wales needs more Assembly Members
Laura McAllister argues Wales needs more Assembly Members to deliver for its people and communities
Hearing from ‘Missing Voices’ – confusion, frustration and hope in Welsh politics
Jess Blair reflects on the results of Wales’ largest ever in-depth survey on how people feel about politics in Wales.
Improving digital democracy in the National Assembly for Wales
Laura Dunn reflects on the recommendations of the National Assembly for Wales’ digital taskforce, and adds a few of her own
Mobilising Wales
Jamie Insole argues for a national campaign to address a crisis in democratic engagement in Wales
How can devolved politics be more effectively communicated?
As part of our week-long focus on the media in Wales in the run up to the #iwamedia summit on 29 March, Stephen Cushion and Justin Lewis on how network news struggles with the political realities of devolution
The penny and the bun?
Stephen Brooks asks how do we re-structure councils in a way that enhances democracy, whilst delivering better public service outcomes?
Beyond the Scottish referendum
Stephen Noon envisages circumstances in which he might vote Labour, Liberal Democrat or Green in an independent Scotland