John Osmond charts one set of difficulties facing a National Assembly group looking at the future of the media in Wales
Reflections on the Empire State
Michael Garner argues that living in the British world is to be sealed off from real time experience
Demise of the Lobby
Jocelyn Davies says the Welsh Government’s withdrawal from scrutiny by the media is undermining democracy
Postcode pressures undermine democracy
John Dixon discovers a contradiction with the devolved Cardiff Bay government taking the whip to local authorities
Scotland Special 2: Scottish Labour searches for a new tune
Gerry Hassan reports on Douglas Alexander’s exploration of his party’s dilemmas north of the border
Ballot box politics
Gareth Hughes says Peter Hain’s call for Assembly elections to use First Past The Post would be good for Labour, but not for democracy
Welsh civic engagement 7: More democracy is devolution’s dividend
David Melding says we need more risk-taking in our politics
Adventures in Democracy
Geraint Talfan Davies examines an account of reconstruction underway behind the facade of the British state
Britain enters explosive political decade
Anthony Barnett says that the contrast between the outcome of the Scottish election and the AV vote signals an opportunity for a genuinely democratic party south of the border