Jessica McQuade outlines how home refurbishments could reduce CO2 emissions for Wales.
Painting a different picture of Wales’ economic opportunities
Patric Nash explains why Wales is the perfect place to grow a business born out of a social enterprise
Enterprise Zones: Not a quick economic fix
Mike Hedges AM argues that enterprise zones need to be seen as one arm of the government’s economic strategy and not as the only way of developing the Welsh economy.
BMW and BMC – who said ownership doesn’t matter?
Geraint Talfan Davies reflects on a visit to a German corporate showcase
Busting the austerity myth, part 1
Gideon Calder interviews the former Welsh Secretary, Peter Hain, about his challenge to the neoliberal orthodoxy
The Outlook for Public Spending in Wales.
Eurfyl ap Gwilym looks at UK Government spending over the next five years and how that will impact Wales.
The competing narratives on Welsh economic performance
Rhys ap Gwilym reflects on a recent symposium on economic policies for peripheral countries
Development agency questionable on inward investment
Dr John Ball questions the evidence that the WDA and inward investment have been successful for Wales
The false promises of FDI
Daniel Evans says the focus on foreign investment is undermining the Welsh economy.