Mike Hedges MS advocates a reexamination of the UK taxation system, and outlines some proposals for reforming it.

Mike Hedges MS advocates a reexamination of the UK taxation system, and outlines some proposals for reforming it.
New research reveals that Welsh universities create 1 in 20 jobs in Wales, alongside significant economic benefits for communities.
Jack Watkins suggests that understanding of the foundational economy points towards reforms that can help improve social care.
Prof. Gerry Holtham outlines the challenges facing Wales ageing economy and argues for striking out boldly in a different direction.
Rhys ap Gwilym says the main parties’ manifestos bear out his fear that Wales’ politicians would be fiscally timid ahead of the Senedd election
Two weeks ahead of the 2021 Senedd election, Harry Thompson assesses the potential for agreement on economic policy between Welsh Labour and Plaid Cymru.
The political parties responded to our ‘Big Questions’ on the economy – now the IWA analyse what their answers mean for Wales.
The parties competing for your vote in the upcoming election respond to our Big Questions on the economy.
Community banks – as seen in many other countries – can provide Wales with a way of keeping financial services in the high street, writes Jack Sargeant MS.