Carys Mair Thomas looks at how the next Welsh Government can tackle economic inequality and poverty.

Carys Mair Thomas looks at how the next Welsh Government can tackle economic inequality and poverty.
Philip Dixon calls for a big discussion on the direction of our education system ahead of the assembly elections.
Liz Silversmith gives an insight on how the manifestos for the Assembly elections in May are being developed.
Roger Scully considers the implications of political events at a UK level on next year’s Assembly elections.
Stephen Kinnock MP says that if the Labour Party is to return to government in 2020 it must begin by accepting the reality of modern Britain.
Roger Scully outlines the results from the first political barometer poll since Jeremy Corbyn became Labour leader.
John Osmond looks back at the contribution of J. Barry Jones
Derek Vaughan says an ‘In’ campaign for Europe must make emotional arguments, not just those around the economy.
Glyn Mathias says proposals to hold the EU referendum on the day of the next Assembly elections would cause major complications.