Laurence Janta-Lipinski makes the case for tracking the views of the Welsh electorate

Laurence Janta-Lipinski makes the case for tracking the views of the Welsh electorate
Eurfyl ap Gwilym says Plaid Cymru needs to rediscover the policies that differentiate it from the other parties
Gareth Hughes offers some thoughts for the nationalists’ review of what went wrong in the election
Syd Morgan and Alan Sandry reflect on the implications of the party coming third in last week’s Assembly general election
Anthony Barnett says that the contrast between the outcome of the Scottish election and the AV vote signals an opportunity for a genuinely democratic party south of the border
Geraint Talfan Davies asks whether Scotland’s four years of minority government could be a template for the next Welsh Government
John Osmond surveys the dilemmas that face all the Welsh parties as they cope with the outcome of yesterday’s election
John Osmond hazards some guesses as to how a soporific campaign might lead to a nervous breakdown in the next few days
Syd Morgan and Alan Sandry speculate on the political implications of a Rainbow coalition