Brian Morgan finds a major swing in this election’s manifestos away from promising the earth and pretending that governments can solve every social problem

Brian Morgan finds a major swing in this election’s manifestos away from promising the earth and pretending that governments can solve every social problem
Haf Elgar argues that the party manifestos show a lack of ambition on the environment
Jenny Randerson says the referendum result has allowed Wales to take control of its own destiny
Alun Davies argues that the referendum experience has given the election a different tone
John Osmond argues that faced with a 41 per cent capital funding shortfall the new administration in Cardiff Bay after 5 May should borrow to invest
Geraint Talfan Davies finds himself on the horns of a dilemma
John Osmond puts the four party policies for the May election under the spotlight to discover the key fault lines
Jonathan Brooks-Jones points to the key features of the Welsh Conservatives manifesto, launched today
John Osmond reports on today’s poll which suggests coalition talks will be imminent following the Assembly election