As Wales meets England at Twickenham today John Winterson Richards reflects on competing visions of identity
What can Cardiff learn from the Manchester City Region?
Robert Chapman examines Manchester’s city region success
Welsh jail to be built for English prisoners
Robert Jones examines the impact of the Wrexham ‘super’ prison on north west England
Let’s talk about Wales
Scottish commentator Iain Mcwhirter reflects on First Minister Carwyn Jones’s intervention in the referendum debate this week
Some corner of a foreign field
Tim Finch explains why he is organizing a festival of Englishness in London today
The Daily Mail, the Milibands, and their failure to talk about England
David Rickard says that in the debate between Labour and the Tories there is no wish to engage with Englishness
Decentralisation needed to tackle North/South divide
Speaking at an IPPR North conference in Manchester Leanne Wood says England and Englishness should not be the preserve of the far right
Future of friendly rivalry between Wales and England
Robin Tilbrook explains why English Democrats are supporting the SNP’s campaign to dissolve the UK
An English Parliament not the answer
Paul Salveson says the North of England can only dance to its own tune