The institution’s code of conduct could be updated to include a new principle promoting anti-discriminatory attitudes and behaviours, argues Dr Arun Midha.

The institution’s code of conduct could be updated to include a new principle promoting anti-discriminatory attitudes and behaviours, argues Dr Arun Midha.
The experiences of disabled people in Wales shows that lockdown hasn’t affected us all in the same way, writes Grace Quantock.
The Institute of Welsh Affairs is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Alison Wride, Leena Farhat, Sarah Prescott and Shereen Williams to the Board of the IWA.
Rachel Cable urges Welsh Government to not only recognise the value of carers, but to reward them.
Rocio Cifuentes on why a diverse Senedd is essential in order for Wales to thrive.
Poppy Stowell-Evans gives a first hand account of the effect of GCSE cancellations on Year 11 pupils
Catherine Fookes warns the coronavirus outbreak could stall progress on making Wales fairer for women
Attracting more women to work in the transport sector will help improve services and provision for all, writes Christine Boston.
Human rights should always be at the heart of public service delivery in Wales, writes Nick Bennett.