Dylan Moore says the judges’ – and people’s – choice of The Fortune Men makes for a vital reckoning with history – and with the present

Dylan Moore says the judges’ – and people’s – choice of The Fortune Men makes for a vital reckoning with history – and with the present
Sophie Buchaillard connects the Ukrainian crisis and the Rwandan genocide to think about the West’s contrasting relationship to refugees.
After four decades of neoliberalism, Jean Jenkins says it’s time for a meaningful debate about workplace dynamics and standards of work.
Marine Furet introduces issue 68 of the welsh agenda and reflects on the role of magazines to provide lasting content amid a fast news cycle.
Harry Thompson takes a closer look at the current rise in industrial actions across the UK, and examines the role of trade unions.
On Father’s Day, Professor Michael E. Lamb, Duncan Fisher and Miriam Fisher look at childcare from the perspective of a child.
Dylan Moore says we must urgently recognise the public interest nature of our Welsh media, local and national.
Bethan Edwards calls for more research and care provision through a sex and gender lens for people needing end of life care.
Donna Coyle explains why social value has a huge part to play in social care and can have a transformational impact on people’s lives.