Marine Furet introduces the new theme for the welsh agenda new series, dedicated to work, and reflects on the changing meaning of labour.

Marine Furet introduces the new theme for the welsh agenda new series, dedicated to work, and reflects on the changing meaning of labour.
Yasmin Begum hails a raw voice of working class resistance to police corruption.
John Bader, Chair of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales, explains the Panel’s decision to increase councillors’ pay.
Sioned Haf introduces Who Owns Wales / Pwy Bia Cymru, a research project to make information about land ownership in Wales accessible.
The new joint CEOs of the Centre for Digital Public Services (CDPS), Harriet Green and Myra Hunt, explain their vision and collaboration.
Louis Mertens argues cycling provision in Wales must be diversified if it is to become truly accessible.
Rob Simkins urges a national plan to tackle homelessness and the housing emergency in Wales.
Will Henson and Harry Thompson look at the potential implications of the Welsh Government’s Co-operation Agreement with Plaid Cymru.
Dylan Moore introduces the welsh agenda’s 67th print edition, and urges unity across generational divides.