UCU Cymru’s Gareth Lloyd reflects on the immense value of Welsh universities and calls for immediate action to tackle their precarious financial situation.

UCU Cymru’s Gareth Lloyd reflects on the immense value of Welsh universities and calls for immediate action to tackle their precarious financial situation.
Catherine Lewis, NPTC Group of Colleges Principal, reflects on a recent visit to Slovenia and what Wales could take from the nation’s emphasis on active wellbeing.
Rachel Cable, Director of Policy and Public Affairs at ColegauCymru, welcomes the appointment of the new CTER Chief Executive and believes the Commission offers a real opportunity to redesign learning pathways for further education.
David Hagendyk argues that sustained investment in vocational and technical education in Wales is more important than ever for a sustainable and more equal Wales.
Tade Evans depicts the harrowing impact of the disruptions caused by the pandemic on mental health for A-Level students in Wales.
Yana Williams and Guy Lacey explain the changes necessary to ensure that Welsh colleges can empower greater lifelong learning and expand access for future generations.
Covid-19 threatens the Welsh Government’s poverty-tackling agenda but widening access to further and higher education provides a road to recovery, writes Becky Ricketts.
Kieron Rees looks at the rising demand for degree apprenticeships in the UK, and how people and employers in Wales can benefit from an increase in the number of courses on offer.
Halima Begum introduces the latest report from the IWA which explores the implications of curriculum reform in Wales for further education, higher education, skills and business