Gerry Holtham considers the implications of capital gains tax for Wales

Gerry Holtham considers the implications of capital gains tax for Wales
Dr John Ball’s responds to Mike Hedges AM’s recent response to his articles on the economic arguments for and against an independent Wales
Mike Hedges responds to Dr John Ball’s recent article on the economic arguments for and against an independent Wales
The debate on the foundational economy must turn into shared action argues Josh Miles
A successful approach to the foundational economy means looking at and doing things very differently argues Joe Earle
Rhys ap Gwilym explores the various interpretations of what is meant by the “foundational economy”
Mike Hedges presents further lessons from Aarhus and Mannheim for small and medium sized businesses in Wales
As the latest figures are released Matt Williams warns of putting too much emphasis on the results.
Rhys ap Gwilym reflects on a recent symposium on economic policies for peripheral countries