Gwynoro Jones discovers views shared with Gwynfor Evans and Saunders Lewis

Gwynoro Jones discovers views shared with Gwynfor Evans and Saunders Lewis
Mae Gwynoro Jones yn dadlau mai etholiad arweinyddiaeth Plaid Cymru yw’r etholiad pwysicaf sy’n digwydd yng Nghymru – Gwynoro Jones argues that the Plaid Cymru leadership election is the most important election happening in Wales
Emrys Roberts engages with the memoirs of a key figure in 20th Century Welsh politics
Roger Scully says the party’s main problem is reversing more than a decade of electoral failure
Cynog Dafis addresses the dilemmas in Plaid’s wish to represent all the people of Wales
Angharad Tomos looks back at a lifetime of campaigning
John Osmond reports on a social enterprise that is challenging a culture of grant dependency
John Osmond introduces a man who believed the world’s problems were exacerbated by size
Euros Lewis reports on a conference that declared this question needs to be answered before the channel can discover a new direction