Rhys David argues that the Welsh Affairs Select Committee inward investment report fails to understand the lessons of post-war industrial and economic history

Rhys David argues that the Welsh Affairs Select Committee inward investment report fails to understand the lessons of post-war industrial and economic history
Anna Nichol reports on a conference that examined how we can take forward legislation for sustainable development
Eluned Parrott says the Welsh Government’s business rates review should be more than a bean-counting exercise
John Osmond reports on a new survey of key drivers that will define what it will be like to live in Wales in 2030
Geraint Talfan Davies welcomes the First Minister’s commitment to new thinking
Joseph Carter says the Welfare Reform Bill fails to find the right balance between saving money and protecting the vulnerable
John Osmond argues that Newport’s status as the ‘gateway to Wales’ should be put to material use
Jane Davidson describes the legislative journey that is putting sustainable development at the heart of the Welsh Government
Carwyn Jones says the Welsh Government’s priority for 2012 is to steer a generation of young people away from the dole queue