Natasha Davies shares findings from new research into how men in Wales view gender equality and how they experience gender dynamics in the workplace

Natasha Davies shares findings from new research into how men in Wales view gender equality and how they experience gender dynamics in the workplace
Nicolas Webb presents his analysis of the current state of the Conservative Party and options for post-Brexit conservatism
Mike Hedges AM examines how to develop and expand the economic opportunities in the Swansea Bay City Region.
Jeremy Miles and Lee Waters set out ideas to shift the economy of Wales to invest in communities and rooted businesses
Cath Bowen argues that services which carers rely on need to be put on a sustainable footing
Claire Morgan argues that employers have a crucial role to play in keeping carers in work
Oliver Hazell argues for a focus on manufacturing if Wales is to win its ‘War on Waste’
Mike Hedges continues his consideration of the organisation of public services in Wales
Professor Julie Lyndon urges the post-16 education sector to come together to design a shared future