Daran Hill reflects on the ratios of Committee Chairs in the Assembly, and offers some solutions.

Daran Hill reflects on the ratios of Committee Chairs in the Assembly, and offers some solutions.
Steve Brooks responds to CBI Wales recent criticism of the Well-being of Future Generations Act and the Future Generations Commissioner
Russell Todd sets out thoughts from a recent discussion paper by WCVA and Talwrn.
Owen Hathway sees cause for optimism in recent Education initiatives announced by the Welsh Government
Mike Hedges AM examines what Swansea can learn from Mannheim, its thriving twin city.
Lee Waters reflects on the scale and speed of automation, and calls for urgent, collective action
Mark Barry sets out alternatives to the proposal for a £100M link road to Cardiff Airport
Professor Colin Riordan, in his role as Chair of Universities Wales, considers the implications of the Welsh Government’s White Paper on post-compulsory education and training in Wales
“Made in Ebbw Vale” could be part of the future for the town, suggests Mark Barry