Mike Hedges analyses projections of language decline and comes up with some policy recommendations

Mike Hedges analyses projections of language decline and comes up with some policy recommendations
Peter Gaskell reviews a new book of essays by Vernon Watkins
John Osmond says the constitutional ideas being pushed by Carwyn Jones and now Gordon Brown are heading towards a confederation
Liam Ryan looks behind the headlines at the key recommendations of the Williams Commission report
David Cunnah examines the gender divide in the Sciences.
Nerys Lloyd-Pierce bemoans the corporate men who are bent on destroying the Welsh capital’s heritage
Catch up with the week’s analysis on the Silk Commission – including the new IWA Podcast
As Wales meets England at Twickenham today John Winterson Richards reflects on competing visions of identity
On International Women’s Day Wendy Sadler let’s off steam about childcare in the Welsh capital