Gerry Hassan objects to the strident tone in which the case for the union is being deployed north of the border
Your multicultural nation is not necessarily mine
Daniel G. Williams investigates the contrasting narratives used to describe British compared with Welsh or Scottish nationalism
Today’s geek follows yesterday’s dandy
Jane Ridley questions Ed Miliband’s claim to Disraeli’s ‘One Nation’ inheritance
Labour should fuse patriotism with progressive politics
John Osmond reports that the Shadow Secretary of State for Wales believes his party needs to embrace a national mission
Accepting one party rule in Wales
Gareth Hughes argues that those urging a coalition with Labour are failing in their democratic duty as an opposition
New Permanent Secretary should focus on Wales not Whitehall
Andrew Davies offers some ideas on how the civil service can stop being a drag on the development of devolution in Wales
Labour Leader’s identity conundrum
Gareth Young takes issue with Ed Miliband’s conclusions about England, Englishness and Britain
Jubilee reflections 2: Pondering who we are in the UK
Iain Mcwhirter says we could not have asked for a more definitively English celebration of national identity than the Queen’s celebrations last week
Learning from Labour’s Welsh history
John Osmond says we would be much better off if the ancient antagonisms between Labour and Plaid Cymru could be resolved