Emma Henwood dissects the latest survey of Wales’ experience of sport and argues that it’s time to grasp the nettle to make a healthier nation.
Time to Stand Up for Mental Health
Sara Moseley calls for the next Welsh Government to do more to tackle mental health issues.
What You Really Need to Know about Mental Health
Dr Rhiannon Cobner, Dr Jen Daffin and Dr Sarah Brown examine the root causes of mental health issues and how their proactive work is starting to pay dividends in communities.
We can’t talk about mental health and not talk about poverty
To break the disadvantage and distress cycle in our communities we need to start to think of it as a social issue not as a problem for individuals, argue Jen Daffin and Dr Sarah Brown.
Mental wellbeing in our farming communities – breaking down the stigma
Loneliness, financial insecurity and inadequate digital infrastructure contribute to farmers’ poor mental health. These must be addressed – and the stigma needs to go, writes Dr Alisha Davies
Billions have been spent on mental health, and we don’t even know if it works
The Welsh Government has thrown money at our mental health crisis without measuring the outcomes. Helen Mary Jones writes that a new report shows it’s time to evaluate – not just hope for the best
The Welsh NHS needs the magic money tree
Jane Dodds MP sets out her early campaign priorities for the NHS
Reflections on Wales Book of the Year award
Mari Ellis Dunning reflects on being shortlisted for this year’s prize
Welsh students need more of a say on the education they receive
NUS Wales President Rob Simkins discusses the importance of student partnership and his priorities for the year ahead.