David Melding asks whether unionism and nationalism can come together to provide a strong narrative for a federal Britain
We will vote to stay in
David Melding says both unionists and nationalists face contradictions when confronting membership of Britain and the European Union
Welsh Government needs more national passion
Tim Williams argues for raw radicalism in the face of economic and cultural decay
Labour should fuse patriotism with progressive politics
John Osmond reports that the Shadow Secretary of State for Wales believes his party needs to embrace a national mission
Whither Plaid Cymru: Can Plaid be a 15+ force?
Craig McAngus says this is an existential question facing whoever becomes the new leader
Whither Plaid Cymru: Independence is back in fashion
David Melding finds that nationalism trumps socialism in Plaid’s thinking
Will Britain ever shake the ghost of Empire?
Tom Nairn examines Jeremy Paxman’s analysis of the state of British identity in post-imperial times
Nation building is Plaid Cymru’s project
Alan Sandry says the party of Wales should articulate a 2020 vision of internal enlargement of the European Union by the end of the year
Good-bye Pomland, hurry-up (little) England
Tom Nairn says we are living through a most peculiar constitutional revolution