The Inspire Wales Awards are an initiative of the Institute of Welsh Affairs in association with the Western Mail.
Maintaining television news plurality in Wales
Phil Henfrey says ITV Wales still has a key role to play in the democratic process
A writer who brings out the flavour of Wales
Trevor Fishlock celebrates the career of Elaine Morgan
Awards set to inspire Wales again
Geraint Talfan Davies looks forward to the second annual Inspire Wales Awards
Welsh Referendum campaigns, and the question of turn out
Alan Trench assesses the problems on both sides of the Assembly referendum
Scottish Special 2: Attempt to hijack AV referendum
Mike Small reports on a campaign to get a vote on Scottish independence by the back door next May
Viewers are replacing remote controllers
Colin Thomas says the vast changes in communications technology have opened up opportunities for film-makers and other artists to by-pass the game-keepers of our culture