Gareth Hughes says Peter Hain’s call for Assembly elections to use First Past The Post would be good for Labour, but not for democracy
Riot Reflections 2: Big may not be so beautiful after all
Rhys David suggests there are lessons for Cardiff’s development to be learned from the English riots
Neat and tidy Peter Hain
John Osmond admires the breath-taking chutzpah of the Shadow Secretary of State for Wales, but disagrees
Adventures in Democracy
Geraint Talfan Davies examines an account of reconstruction underway behind the facade of the British state
A theft the Treasury will live to regret
John Osmond says the new Welsh Government, after 5 May, will urgently need to reconstitute its relationship with Whitehall by seeking an end to the Wales Office
Jury still out on Welsh election result
John Osmond asks what kind of contest is going on
Parties compete in public sector job cuts
Eurfyl ap Gwilym asks what exactly is the size of the spending cuts being planned for Wales following the election
Who are the real Welsh leaders?
The answer will be clear in next year’s Assembly elections when the current leadership debates will surely have set a precedent